Today was Courtland’s first GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) meeting. All students in the school are welcome to come. Today there were 40 students and 3 teachers. The GSA comes together to support those who are LGBTQ. We are hoping that we will see more people continue to come out. These meetings are every Wednesday at […]

Honor Roll Rewards

It is that time of year again, and report cards are coming home. This year we are having a school honor roll. All students that get and average mark over 80% will be added onto the honor roll. All of these students will be rewarded with a Cougar key chain. We are hoping that everybody […]

Mary’s Meals Backpack Project

Yesterday, 6 students (Abigail, Dragos, Sadia, Shania, Sabrina, Angelica) from the Courtland PAWS group spent the day at Fairview mall shopping for students in Africa. They bought a wide varity of items, from school supplies to clothing for students in need. They filled 3 backpacks that are going to be sent to Africa by the […]

Happy New Year’s and Welcome Back!

Welcome Back to school Cougar’s! We hope everybody had a great time with family and friends over the holidays. We wish everybody the best in 2015!

Happy Holidays

We wish everybody happy holidays. We hope that you have a safe and fun time with family and friends. See you on January 5th!

WRDSB Lowers Flags for Pakistan

We are all saddened by the tragic events that took place at Army Public School in Peshawar, Pakistan. To show support for all those affected, we will be lowering flags at our schools, and our Education Centre, until the end of day on December 19.

Mr. Gage’s Twitter Page

Courtland’s Enrichment teacher, Mr. Gage has started his own Twitter page. Check it out at; or @MrGagesClass

Recognition and Season Wrap Up

On Friday, December 19 we will be having a Recognition and Season Wrap Up assembly. That day we will also be watching a movie in the gym and having our 3rd Homeroom challenge! So far 7-3 and 8-7 have won. We wish everybody luck, and have fun during the challenge. Go Cougars!


Basketball tryouts have started! Good luck to all the students that have tried out for the team. We hope you all make it! Go Cougars!

WRDSB Observes National Day of Remembrance

To mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, flags on all Ontario government buildings across the province will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Saturday, December 6, 2014. The education centre, and schools will lower their flags at close of business on Friday, December 5, 2014 and return them […]

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