Ultimate Frisbee
Posted April 13, 2015
Today was our first meeting for our Courtland Ultimate team. If you would like to be on this team, please come out every day this week at first break. If you don’t already know about the sport, it is a game played with 2 teams of about 16 players. There are 7 players on the […]
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Wrestling Update
Posted April 13, 2015
This is the last week of wrestling! The County Finals are this weekend. Don’t give up on yourself now Cougars! Please come out everyday this week even if you are not going to the championship. Good luck to all! Go Cougars!
Register Now for the PIC Family Event!
Posted April 1, 2015
Registration is now open for the Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) Family Event ‘Building Skills to Navigate the School Years’, April 18, 2015, Bluevale Collegiate Institute. This FREE event is open to parents, guardians and the community. Keynote speaker, Lesley Andrews, will share with us her inspiring story of ‘overcoming the odds’ to follow her passion […]
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Categories: Broadcast
Posted April 1, 2015
Wrestling is in full swing. We are almost done our second week. The boys had their first jamboree at Sunnyside on Monday, the girls are heading out their tonight. The County Championships are coming up soon! Go Cougars!
New Pilot Funding Initiative for Schools
Posted March 23, 2015
The Waterloo Region District school board has partnered with My Class Needs, a not-for-profit foundation associated with Curriculum Services Canada, to offer a unique opportunity to support classroom teachers in securing additional resources to support student learning, well-being and achievement. The program provides grants for materials/services up to a maximum of $750 per class. To qualify, […]
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Categories: Broadcast
Welcome Back!
Posted March 23, 2015
Welcome back Cougars! We hope that you had a fun and safe March break. We are happy to see you all again. Only 3 months left of school! Go Cougars!!
Report Cards and Honour Roll
Posted February 24, 2015
Yesterday, February 23rd, report cards went home. The school newsletter was also sent home. Click here to view it. All students that received an average of or above 79.5%. Congratulations to all of the students that got on. All of these people will be given purple and gold key chains.
Why were our schools closed Friday?
Posted February 23, 2015
The WRDSB has put in place a frigid temperature threshold in our severe weather procedure primarily for three reasons related to the safety of our students:
1. According to Environment Canada, at -35C exposed skin can freeze within 10 minutes. Environment Canada indicates that in temperatures between -28 to -39 there is a high risk of exposed skin freezing (frostnip or frostbite). This temperature is very unusual for our region and some students may not have the appropriate clothing to protect themselves.
2. Most students will take longer than 10 minutes to walk to school and the bused students may wait for an extended period of time should any bus be delayed.
3. We are unable to guarantee crossing guard service to our students as individual crossing guards have a right to maintain their safety given that they are exposed for extended periods of time in frigid temperatures.
The Education Centre remains open and is fully operational.
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Categories: Broadcast
When do Schools Close Due to Weather?
Posted February 19, 2015
Our procedure for severe weather provides guidelines and expectations for school closings due to severe weather, and how this information is communicated to our families.
Severe weather refers to conditions such as ice, fog, rain, sleet, snow, wind and/or frigid temperatures and wind chills. We consider a frigid temperature to be -35C with wind chill, or colder.
The general manager of Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR) will monitor weather and temperatures in the region beginning at 5:30am, using Environment Canada’s wind chill index. If the temperature is forecasted to reach or exceed -35C with wind chill at 7:00am, buses will not operate and schools will be closed. The education centre will be open to those employees who can safely arrive to work.
How do we communicate cancellations or closures?
Decisions relating to cancellations and closures are made by 6:00am. Any cancellations and closures will be posted on our website and school websites. Information will also be available on our twitter account (@wrdsb). We encourage you to monitor our website and listen to local media for up-to-date cancellation and closures.
Parents have the option of keeping their children at home when concerned about weather conditions.
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Categories: Broadcast
Dance Fest
Posted February 12, 2015
Dance fest is coming up. All students in the school are having a dance assignment in Phys. Ed, to create dances, to a song of their choice in small groups. The dance fest will be on Friday, March 13.