Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week – November 18-24

We are committed to providing a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment for all students – each and every one. Ontario’s Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week runs from November 18 to 24, 2018. This week is an opportunity for us all to reinforce clear and positive messages that bullying is not acceptable in our schools […]

Southwest Kitchener Secondary School Boundary Study Begins

The Southwest Kitchener Secondary Boundary Study is now underway involving Forest Heights CI, Huron Heights SS, and Cameron Heights CI. The primary purpose of this Boundary Study is to reduce enrolment pressure at Huron Heights Secondary School. The initial Boundary Study report will be presented to Trustees at the Committee of the Whole meeting on […]

Wanted: student art to celebrate winter

This December we are selling winter greeting cards featuring student artwork – and we need your help. We’re looking for student artists to capture the beauty of the winter season and help support our Waterloo Education Foundation (WEFI). Students, proud parents, and educators are asked to submit original student artwork (JK-12) via Twitter and Instagram […]

Grade 1 French Immersion

Are you thinking about French Immersion for your child? Join us at one of our information sessions to learn more about our French programs and registration process. Information sessions will be held in the Cambridge Room at the WRDSB Education Centre (Map) on the following days: November 21, 7 p.m. November 26, 7 p.m. December […]

Friday, November 16, 2018 is a PD Day – no school for students

Friday, November 16, 2018 is a professional development (PD) day for elementary and secondary school staff. Students will not attend school, but Extended Day Programs will operate for enrolled students from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. The focus for the day will be School Improvement Planning in the morning. Teachers will participate in a whole-school activity […]

High School Information Nights: Grade 8 Transition

Over the next couple of months, our high schools will be hosting Grade 8 Information Nights for families and students. These information sessions will focus on Grade 8 students’ transition to high school, including the course selection process, in-school student supports, extracurricular activities and more. Please be sure to check out the information session for any […]

Friday, October 26, 2018 is a PD Day – no school for students

Friday, October 26, 2018 is a professional development (PD) day for elementary and secondary school staff. Students will not attend school, and Extended Day Programs will operate at satellite locations. The focus for the day across all our schools will be reflecting on our Strategic Plan and Operational Goals for Student Achievement & Well-Being and School Improvement […]

Cannabis legalization and our schools

On October 17, 2018, cannabis will be legal to use, buy, possess and cultivate in Canada for persons over 19 years of age. For our students, the possession and use of cannabis is illegal. We know that this change in legislation has raised many questions and possible concerns regarding how the change will affect schools. […]

October 5 is World Teachers’ Day

On October 5th, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day, a day where we acknowledge the dedication and passion of our educators. This morning, 64,000 students across Waterloo Region made their way to school. They walked with their friends, rode their bikes, or boarded a school bus. They entered classrooms excited and ready to learn. In each […]

WRDSB observes Orange Shirt Day on September 28

Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) recognizes Orange Shirt Day as a way to honour residential school survivors, those who did not survive, and their descendants. It’s just one of the ways we support, educate and reconcile our relationship with Indigenous people. What is Orange Shirt Day? Orange Shirt Day is observed each September 30 […]

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