It is recommended that personal devices (cell phones, etc.) stay at home, however, if students choose to bring personal devices it is understood they will be ‘off and away’ for the duration of the school day.  Students are fully responsible for their device, whether lost, stolen, or damaged and they bring it to school at their own risk.  We understand that some parents want their child to have a cell phone for safety reasons. If you need to speak to your child during the day, please contact the main office, though we do ask parents to limit these interruptions and only call if absolutely required. If students need to use the phone, they need to ask a teacher or the office to use the phone and we will help them.

Personal devices will NOT be used in classrooms, in the hallways, outside, in the washroom or the change room, or on School Buses.  Students are never to take pictures or videos of others on school property. Students should never touch another person’s device.  All devices will be kept in lockers during the school day.

Courtland has Chromebooks for student use in classrooms.  There are enough Chromebooks for each student in a classroom and therefore the use of personal devices are not required.  Calculators have also been provided to all students.

Should a student have difficulty following this expectation, it will become an office issue following progressive discipline measures.


Courtland Locker Policy 


Lockers are assigned by the homeroom teacher.  Combination locks are required and must be locked at all times. Our school sometimes has outside groups in the evenings and on weekends and we would not want anything taken from an open locker. Students are not to be sharing lock combinations.  

The locker, which is loaned to the student, is the property of the Waterloo Region District School Board and is subject to periodic inspection for cleanliness and proper use. Please remember, the locker is a privilege and must not be misused or damaged. Do not add stickers or any writing/drawing on the locker. Students are responsible for keeping it clean, tidy, and to use it to store items necessary for success at school.  Each homeroom teacher requires a record of the locker number and combination.  A copy of this information is kept on file in the office.  Students may not change lockers or their locks without permission from the office.  Locks will be available in the office. 

Lockers will be accessed only upon entry, nutrition breaks, and at the end of the day.  Coats, boots, backpacks, and phones are to be kept in the locker. 


Bullying Prevention and Intervention Planning (BPIP)

As part of the Board’s Student Bullying Prevention and Intervention procedure (ap1200), the following is a site specific plan for Courtland.  The BPIP uses school climate surveys to identify concerns, best practices of evidence-informed programs, and site based data collection from our stakeholders.

Courtland BPIP – 2024