Dear Courtland Families,


If your child is in Grade 7, 8, or 9 this school year (2021/2022), they are eligible to receive their school program vaccines as outlined in the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA), or complete the series if they had already started them.


On October 18, 2021, individuals will be able to book an appointment. Appointments will be available starting November 1, 2021. Most clinics will be available outside of school and working hours at Public Health offices in Waterloo and Cambridge.


Before booking an appointment, parents/students should update their immunization records via ICON or by calling 519-575-4400 ext. 5001 (Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm).


Appointments can be booked online starting October 18th using the Public Health portal or by calling 519-575-4400.


Please note that appointments will be released in blocks every two weeks over the next year. Region of Waterloo Public Health greatly appreciates your patience as we work to get students across the Region caught up on their vaccinations.


If you have questions about the School Vaccine Program catch-up process: