We are very glad to welcome students back to Courtland!! Our number one priority is to ensure the SAFETY of all students and staff! This extends to our families and our community. We all need to work together for this to happen, and we all need to follow the safety guidelines provided by Public Health, as follows:

• Self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms before each day – stay at home as advised! Here is a link to the Ontario screener: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/

• Any student that becomes symptomatic during the day will be required to go home (either picked up by a family member, or given permission by family to walk home)

• Masks are mandatory

• Wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer regularly

• Maintain social-distancing at all times – keep hands to self!

• Students are NOT to congregate or mix with students from other cohorts before or after school, or any time throughout the school day

• Families of students who are not complying to these important protocols, after repeated reminders from staff, will be required to keep their student at home until they are able to follow the protocols. Please review the importance of this with your student.

Important reminder: if your student has borrowed technology from Courtland to support learning from home, please ensure they bring back both the device and the charger on Monday, as this will be sanitized and will be important for their learning at school program.